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RHCCC’s Position on Gender and Sexuality

January 19, 2025

English version shall prevail.



RHCCC is a church that exists for the whole person, for the whole world. We are a Purpose-Driven Church for the unchurched, one that seeks to help people know Christ and know their godly purpose in this world. Therefore, we desire to be a church community that has compassion and builds friendships toward all people. After all, Jesus was a “friend of sinners” (Matt 11:19) As such, this also extends to those who identify themselves as members of the LGBTQIA+ community. We are a church that humbly holds to the position of “welcoming, but not affirming” in terms of gender and sexuality, which means we want to welcome and love all people, but also hold firmly to the historic Christian view of marriage and that sexual intimacy is reserved for one man and one woman (within the covenant of marriage). Jesus was also a “redeemer of sinners,” which means he came to bring people into a life of righteousness and holiness he intended for them.

城北華基是一家造就全人、恩澤萬邦的教會。我們是為門外者而設的「目標導向」教會,目的是幫助人們認識耶穌並認識自己在這個世界中的敬虔目的。因此,我們渴望成為一家滿有憐憫心腸的、與各界人士建立友誼的教會群體。其實,耶穌本身就是「罪人的朋友」(太11:19)。因此,我們的態度同樣適用於那些自認為是 LGBTQIA+ 群體一員的人士。在「性別與性」方面,我們教會謙卑地持守「歡迎但不贊成」的立場,也就是說,我們歡迎並愛所有人,但同時堅定地持守基督教傳統婚姻觀,並且認為性親密行為只留給婚姻盟約中的一男一女。耶穌基督也是「罪人的救贖主」,這意味著祂來是要帶領人們進入祂為他們所預備的公義和聖潔的生活。

It is our desire to engage in this subject for the sake of others knowing Christ, knowing His gospel and being transformed by truths of the Bible communicated in Christ-like love.


RHCCC’s Historic Positions on Gender & Sexuality


On God’s Creation and Marriage:


We hold to the historical Christian view of marriage: Marriage is between one man and one woman (Gen 2:22-24, Matt 19:4-6)[1]. In the creation story in Gen 1-2, the complementary pair of male and female human beings were created by God along with other specific pairs according to His specific created order and harmonious structure. We believe the biblical vision of sexual intimacy is clear in Genesis 2:22-24 (NIV):


Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman,’ for she was taken out of man.” That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.

耶和華神就用那人身上所取的肋骨造成一個女人,領她到那人跟前。那人說:「這是我骨中的骨,肉中的肉,可以稱她為『女人』,因為她是從『男人』身上取出來的。」 因此,人要離開父母,與妻子連合,二人成為一體。

On God’s Creation and Gender Identity:


We hold to the historic Christian view of gender identity: God created humankind both male and female (Gen 1-2, Matt 19:4). Our biological (i.e. birth or natal) sex should govern our gender identity and expression.


On Homosexuality and Same-Sex marriage:


We hold to the historic Christian teaching that same-sex sexual intimacy and same-sex marriage are considered sinful and forbidden by the Scripture (Lev 18:22, 20:13; Rom 1:18-32; 1 Cor 6:9; 1 Tim 1:10). We also believe that lust (intense sexual desire) between same-sex individuals is also sinful.


On “same-sex attraction / same-sex orientation”:


We hold to the historic Christian teaching that same-sex attraction (SSA) is not part of God’s created order. This is the result of the Fall of Humankind (Gen 3). Consequently, same-sex attraction is rooted in humanity’s sinful nature (Romans 5:12).


Sin has infected the world and our nature to such a degree that our thoughts, actions and impulses have been warped and distorted. Therefore, SSA, while not acted upon willfully, is rooted in a fallen nature. It is therefore, on some level, an expression of our sinful nature.


SSA is sinful in the sense that it is disordered and contrary to God’s revealed will. However, simply having the feelings of SSA does not equal to sinning intentionally, willfully and actively. Sinning is giving in to certain temptation; while temptation is the unintentional experience of a spontaneous enticement toward sin. Temptation could be rejected by relying on the power of God and not be developed on to lust or even act (Hebrew 4:15). Lust is intentionally allowing that temptation to fester and grow for distorted purposes. Any one of us should repent for the desires in his mind that do not please God and should fight to reject them with the power of Holy Spirit.

SSA 乃失調的表現,並且與上帝所啓示的旨意相悖,從這個意義而言,SSA 是有罪性的。然而,僅有 SSA 的感受,與刻意地、故意地、主動地犯罪不同。犯罪是向某些試探屈服。試探是由一場突如其來的犯罪誘惑所產生的無意經歷。我們可以靠著神的大能,拒絕試探,並且不讓試探演變成為貪欲,甚至行為(來4:15)。貪欲則是為了達到扭曲的目的,而故意容讓這場誘惑惡化和加劇。凡心懷各種不討神喜悅的慾望之人,都應該悔改,並且靠著聖靈的大能,跟慾望角力,將之拒諸門外。

SSA should be treated like any temptation to sin. It should be fought with seriousness (James 1:14-15), recognizing that the line between temptation and lust is often blurry. Temptation is never benign but can lead to sin easily. SSA should also be fought with gospel hope – knowing that when we turn to Jesus, trust in his promises and rely on the Holy Spirit, God will help us overcome them. Resisting, fleeing and fighting temptations need to be part of the normative life of a believer. Furthermore, this is also why we do not promote or endorse the use of the label of "Gay Christian" at RHCCC. We believe our identity should be found, first and foremost, in Jesus Christ.

SSA 應與其他犯罪誘惑等量齊觀。試探與貪欲之間的界線往往是模糊的,因此必須嚴肅地與之角力(雅1:14-15)。試探永遠來意不善,容易導致犯罪。同時,也應該以福音的盼望來抵擋 SSA ——明白當我們轉向耶穌,相信祂的應許並依靠聖靈,上帝必會幫助我們克服這些念頭。抵擋、逃避和對抗試探必須成為信徒規範生活的一部分。這也說明,我們為何不提倡、也不贊同在教會使用 “Gay Christian” 這一標籤。我們相信,自己的身份,首先和首要的,是應該在耶穌基督裡尋見。

Moving forward


There is sensitivity and complexity to issues of gender and sexuality.


We recognize we must better prepare our congregants in terms of what the Bible teaches on topics like this. We believe the Holy Bible is our final authority on this matter and all things in faith and life. No matter how the world may change, the Word of God endures and is sufficient forever (Isa 40:8). We also believe a willingness to engage the culture is part of the mission to which Jesus calls us (John 17:15-19). In fact, as we engage challenging cultural issues, we will see the sufficiency and power of Christ and His Word all the more.


We would encourage our pastors, leaders, and brothers and sisters to learn more from future seminars, workshops and other platforms.


We also recognize that LGBTQIA+ community are real people. As followers of Jesus Christ, we should approach these issues with humility, sensitivity and care. We ought to be reminded that all of us, regardless of sexual orientation and experiences in the different kinds of brokenness of this life, need God’s grace and compassion. We cling to the promise that those who repent of their sin and trust in Jesus Christ will one day experience the fullness of human flourishing and renewal that God has promised (1 Cor 6:11).

我們同樣意識到 LGBTQIA+ 群體也是活生生的人群。作為耶穌基督的門徒,我們應當以謙卑、敏感和關懷的態度來處理相關的議題。我們應當提醒自己,無論我們的性取向如何,也無論我們在這人生中經歷了何種破碎,所有人都需要上帝的恩典和憐憫。我們抓緊上帝的應許,凡是為自己的罪悔改並信靠耶穌基督的人,終有一天會完完全全經歷上帝向人類應許的豐盛與更新。

Embracing Unity Together


Our High Priest, Jesus Christ, prayed for our unity as a church (John 17:21). He prayed that His followers would not be taken out of this fallen world, but rather, they would remain in it to share good news of His kingdom. Jesus sent us into this world to be “salt and light” to engage and influence it for His glory and renown. The Holy Spirit was sent to lead us to unity and continually reminds us to stay united with every effort (Eph 4:3). Loving God and loving our neighbor are at the core of our Christian lives.


May RHCCC continue to keep our unity in Him, and through that unity, may the world see clearer our Saviour, Jesus Christ, our Lord.



Consulting Pastors
