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Prayer Walk

Praying For Our Neighbours

It is important that we pray for our street as we reach out to our neighbours. Please click here for resources on how to pray for your street.

When we prayer walk our streets, it is good to have our prayers saturated with the truths of Scripture. Let Scripture guide our prayers. Suggested prayer passages are: 1 Timothy 2:1-5; Psalm 23, Psalm 24, Psalm 91 …etc. or any passages that the Holy Spirit brings to your heart.

Below are suggestions of how to prayer walk using 1 Timothy 2 and Psalm 23.

Prayer Walking with 1 Timothy 2

God is helping us push our prayers beyond the walls of the church buildings, into the neighbourhoods, campuses and workplaces where He desires to bring the hope of His kingdom. In order to better pray with empathy and up-to-the-minute awareness of what God is doing in people’s lives, many are praying as they walk through the streets of the city. We call this kind of on-site intercession “prayer-walking”. It’s simply praying in the every places where we expect God to bring forth His answers . Prayerwalking simply helps us to draw nearer in order to pray clearer. Prayerwalking is usually a low – profile affair. Usually prayerwalking is being on the scene without making one. 1 Timothy 2:8 urges that t here would be prayer lifted “in every place.” Extending our prayers to every place may be the best way to actually pray, as verse one urges, “on behalf of all people.”
1 Timothy 2:1-2a

1 First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all people. 2 For kings and all who are in authority…

Pray God’s blessing upon every person. For some, express requests and thanks that they have yet to offer to God. For others, join them in crying out to God for things they desire and need.
Pray blessing and stability upon the leaders of the community.
1 Timothy 2:2b-3

2 …so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. 3 This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour…

Pray for Christians to display Christ’s name and character openly. Ask God to mature His people to become His servants throughout the community in the power of the gospel. When God accomplishes His blessing, it is “good” in His sight. Ask God to transform the entire community so that it reflects His goodness and peace.
1 Timothy 2:4-5

4 …who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 5 For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for all, the testimony given at the proper time.

Pray for God’s desire to be satisfied, that every person would understand the truth of Christ as Saviour. Pray for every person you see, that they will be saved. Give praise to the One God and the sole Mediator who even now stands between these people and the God who desires them. Ask God to hasten the time of citywide testimony about Christ.

Prayer Walking with Psalm 23:
For Those Without A Shepherd

What to Pray: For those without a Shepherd Read Psalm 23 with particular people of this community in mind. Consider how Jesus Himself is at work in their lives, pursuing them and caring for them, like a shepherd would care for his own sheep. Pray for people that you see, or for those that you know are nearby the place you are praying. Let these verses help you express God’s heart in your own words
Lead them to a time of renewal (vs 1-2)

The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters….

Pray for freedom from pressures which keep them on the run from God; that they would be weaned from the intoxication of being busy; that Jesus would break addictive habits that keep them filling themselves with hunger; for Christ to renew their appetite for things of God and fill their deepest thirst.
Lead them in the joy of right living (vs 3)

He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake….

Pray that Christ would overhaul the interior of their lives, that they would be restored to see what is true and to value what is right; that they would be guided to make choices in accordance with God’s design, to taste the joy of living rightly. Pray that Christ leads people into doing His justice and righteousness in a way that His renown will be great.
Lead them through fear and grief (vs 4)

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me…

Pray that Christ would manifest his presence to them as they navigate difficult days of fear or grief; that Christ’s rod would be experienced as a great protection against evil powers; that Christ’s staff would gently nudge them as a guiding force in times of terror or confusion; that they will be both confronted and comforted by Christ. Pray for the peace of Christ to lift the shadow of fear throughout the community.
Lead them to know and worship God (vs 6)

Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life, And I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

Pray that God’s goodness will overshadow them, virtually herding them into renewed trust and intimacy with Him. Pray that Christ’s love would be revealed, attracting them into a worshipping relationship with God. Pray that their lives would be long and that God would draw them near to Himself in lasting relationship.

What to Say

To those who ask what you are doing…

We are praying for God’s blessing on this street for people living (or working) in here. Is there any specific way we might pray for you?”

To those who ask who you are…

We are praying for God’s blessing on this street for people living (or working) in here. Is there any specific way we might pray for you?”

To those who may be open to your offer to pray for them…

Perhaps you are facing situations which is more than what human solution can offer. We would be happy to pray with you about any of your specific concerns. How can we pray particularly for you?”

Learn to listen! Sometimes it is better to have the listening ear rather than saying what we want to say. If you pray with people, pray briefly in the simplest, non-religious language possible. Pray for their specific need and pray a blessing of God’s love on their life. Don’t feel compelled to explain the gospel at this time. In fact, it may be more powerful in the long run for you to leave them with a blessing and give God the opportunity to bring an answer to your prayer. (You can continue to pray for the needs of that person thereafter in your own prayer time).

These prayer suggestions have been prepared by WayMakers – a ministry that helps people pray in life-giving ways for their community. Permission has been granted by WayMakers to post on our website.