We give because our God gave himself for our sake. Your generosity helps us continue the mission of seeing people come to faith and grow in Christ so they can bless others do the same.
For any online offering inquiries and to apply for your offering number, please contact [email protected] or call 905-884-3399 Ext. 359.
如有任何關於線上奉獻之疑問及申請奉獻賬號,請電郵致 [email protected] 或致電 905-884-3399 內線 359 查詢。
如有任何关于线上奉献之疑问及申请奉献账号,请电邮致 [email protected] 或致电 905-884-3399 内线 359 查询。

- 9670 Bayview Ave. Richmond Hill, ON L4C 9X9